Time Series Forecasting with Machine Learning
Skforecast, a Python library that simplifies the use of scikit-learn models for forecasting and time series problems.
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Skforecast, a Python library that simplifies the use of scikit-learn models for forecasting and time series problems.
ARIMA and SARIMAX models for time series forecasting.
Using gradient boosting models to forecast the number of users of an urban bike-sharing system.
An example of predicting electricity demand using machine learning models.
Forecasting models for predicting multiple time series simultaneously.
Benckmark to compare the forecast results of the global models with the models of individual series
Modeling thousand time series with a single global model
The success of global forecasting models in forecasting competitions
Clustering time series to improve forecasting models
Forecasting using neural network-based models such as RNN and LSTM.
Methods for estimating prediction intervals for machine learning models applied to forecasting problems.
Prediction intervals for multi-step time series forecasting.
Strategies for modelling and forecasting incomplete time series.
Predicting intermittent demand using machine learning models.
An example of predicting web traffic using machine learning models.
An example of using forecasting models to predict the price of Bitcoin and studying implications when a time series lacks any pattern.
An example of mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and other anomalies in time series when training forecasting models.
Interpretability of forecasting models using SHAP values, partial dependence plots, and feature importance.
Modelling time series with trend using tree based models.
Stacking ensemble of machine learning models to improve predictions.
Detection of anomalies and outliers in time series using forecasting models.
Data leakage and overfitting problems in pre-trained forecasting models.
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